by William Metivet | Jan 15, 2020 | Coaching
In 1959, expert social psychologists John R.P. French and Bertran Raven released a study on group dynamics. They defined five distinct types of power that influence leadership: coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert power. French and Raven’s five types of...
by publishingteam | Aug 27, 2019 | Coaching, Environmental, Humanitarian, Success Strategies
A stakeholder is a person or group interested in the decisions and actions of an organization.The person or group may be directly affected by what an organization does, or they may have a financial, political or personal interest in its current and future...
by publishingteam | Aug 27, 2019 | Coaching, Success Strategies
A leader or manager chooses affiliate leadership to encourage feelings of connection and cooperation in an organization.Also called “affiliative leadership,” this management style provides support and praise instead of criticism and blame, which helps people get along...
by publishingteam | Aug 15, 2019 | Success Strategies
A business is only as strong as its weakest link. There are many complex components to operating a business. While they each have their separate tasks when looking at the bigger picture they synergize to create efficiency. The more influential a business is, the...
by publishingteam | Mar 1, 2019 | Success Strategies, Teamwork
Make a good impression at work.What your colleagues think about you is important. Cultivating healthy, nurtured working relationships could be the difference between liking and loving your job.The better you get along with your colleagues, the more you'll enjoy...
by publishingteam | Feb 20, 2019 |, Coaching
Image CCO via Pixabay Congratulations on your promotion! You are now the leader of a team (or department. Or, even the whole company). Great news: You’ve got a fantastic new office (with a window!) and some snazzy new business cards. Maybe you even have an...
by publishingteam | Jan 17, 2019 | Coaching, Success Strategies
Miscommunication is a common occurrence in business, education, and even relationships. There’s nothing worse than spending all week working on an assignment or project only to find that you have it all wrong and something completely different was required. That’s...
by publishingteam | Dec 14, 2018 | Coaching, Success Strategies
Committed employees are usually great employees to have within an organization. Of course, it’s not easy to create committed employees and maintain that commitment over a long period of time.It’s very common for organizations to measure the organizational...
by publishingteam | Dec 7, 2018 | Coaching, Success Strategies
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed the managerial grid model back in 1969 and the concept has proven to stand the test of time. In fact, business and management schools still teach the managerial grid model today.How can such a simple grid-style model...
by publishingteam | Dec 1, 2018 | Humanitarian
Apologizing is never easy no matter what the situation is. Whether in your personal life or your professional life, apologizing can be an awkward and uncomfortable experience.Regardless, apologizing is incredibly important. Not choosing to apologize for a mistake...