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Let’s face it, passion without being backed up by a solid financial plan and the knowledge how to raise money is the fastest way to failure. If you don’t want to shoot in the dark and waist the precious time and energy you’ve invested in your heart projects, you better become financially literate and surround yourself with experts. We will teach you how.
[/fusion_text][/fullwidth][fullwidth backgroundcolor=”#d3d3d3″ backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”left top” backgroundattachment=”scroll” bordersize=”0px” bordercolor=”” borderstyle=”solid” paddingtop=”20px” paddingbottom=”0px” paddingleft=”0px” paddingright=”0px” menu_anchor=”” class=”” id=””][accordian class=”” id=””][toggle title=”FINDING YOUR NICHE” open=”yes”]Here is one big secret to find your niche. Find where you heart sings the most and do that for 3 month without doing anything else. Usually your niche is your passion and your passion could be the wound or struggle you have healed or transformed that you would like to share with the world.
Who do you want to be surrounded with ? Who do you want to work with on a regular basis? What would YOU do for free and still do it because you are so passionate about it ?[/toggle][toggle title=”THE CONSCIOUS ENTREPRENEUR” open=”no”]We believe in a new man kind. One that understands that competition is good, but cooperation is better. Because This is our new brain software update.
Who is the conscious entrepreneur ? This is you who wants to make a difference with what you are passionate about. It’s about being a mover and shaker in today’s establishment to improve and change consciously what needs to get done.[/toggle][toggle title=”TEAM COHESION” open=”no”]Building a team is critical. 2 aspects are necessary to steer the sales.
. When you are able to paint a vision, you attract people in your team.
. You can’t scale it without a team
This is a great opportunity to unite your staff members, in a fun way, by bringing them together to meaningful Heart Venture.
When you surround yourself by experts and mastermind, you are on the fast track for success.[/toggle][toggle title=”SUSTAINABLE IS PROFITABLE” open=”no”]” As the leader of concepts that will inspire creativity, we want to make sure that all projects are sustainable. Meaning fun, smart and backed with a strong business plan. [/toggle][/accordian][/fullwidth]